Luca's Blog

Discord Rat 2.0: Malware Analysis

🌊 Malware Execution Flow Diagram 📫 Delivery Malware on Discord is often delivered through deceptive messages. Attackers send Discord messages, enticing users to click on a link that ultimately ...

Cyber Apocalypse 2023: Relic Maps

Challenge Information Download the malicious file The challenge description guides you to visit the website hxxp://relicmaps.one/relicmaps.one. This URL obviously doesn’t work. So you have to rep...

Cyber Apocalypse 2023: Artifacts of Dangerous Sightings

Challenge Information Mount the given disk image The challenge comes with a folder containing a file with the extension .vhdx. This extension is used for virtual hard disks. Like a physical hard ...

Cyber Apocalypse 2023: Roten

Challenge Information First we start off by downloading the given zip archive. It contains one network communication capture file: challenge.pcap. I decided to use Wireshark to open the file, but...

HTB University CTF 2022: Fake News

Challenge Information A wordpress website has been compomised. Unluckly there is no backup from before the hack. The job is to remove all dangerous artifacts and recover the system to its previous...

Monitor Proxmox Firewall using Graylog

Project Overview As a cybersecurity enthusiast, I decided to create my own homelab last year. There i can test different blue team tools and techniques. One of the main challenges I faced was how t...

Audit a K3s Cluster in Wazuh

Configure the Wazuh Server Special thanks to the awesome documentation from the Wazuh team. Where I got the first part of this blog post from. Create certificates for communication between the...